Trail Descriptions

  • Moderate- The primary Trail that runs across the middle ridge of Wanderland.

  • Strenuous - Truth takes you to site 2 and the creek. Its a beautiful site but this trail is significant. Do not bring more than you can comfortably carry to Site 2. This is a challenging hike, earning its name.

  • Moderate - This trail takes you to site 4. Will be around a 10 min hike to camp from the parking area. Do not carry more than you need.

  • Easy to Moderate

  • Moderate - Light takes you to site 3. A solar powered modern campsite designed for you. Its a pretty nice hike to camp. Do not bring more than you can comfortably carry to this site.

  • Self is our exercise trail. It consist of 5 work out stations: Bench Dip, Push Up Bar, Sit Up, Step Up, and Pull Up Bar. The trail itself is strenuous when approaching from the Nickajack Trail.

  • This trail connects you to the NIckajack trail system. If you go South on NickaJack you will find yourself at Cloudland Canyon within a few hours of hiking. The approximate distance is 5 miles.

  • Easy to Moderate

  • Easy to Moderate


Camping is for everyone. Wanderland is for you